Q: What is automated fuel management? A: Automated fuel management systems (FMS) are designed to monitor and control fuel consumption within fleets. They accurately measure and track fuel [...]
A trackless mobile machine means any self-propelled mobile machine that is used for the purpose of performing mining, transport, or associated operations underground or on the surface at a mine. [...]
As operating and capital costs rise, mining companies must drive financial discipline into their organizations more aggressively. Typical strategies include pinpointing cost drivers to reduce [...]
Why is the agriculture sector so important in Africa? “The UN projects that the world’s population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, which will cause global agricultural production to rise [...]
Diesel fuel is one of the largest single operational costs to any open-pit mining operation. Fuel on a mining site is stored (Bulk tanks, bowsers), used (Plant, equipment) or misused (Wastage, [...]
What is asset optimization or facilities management? Is it important? Should we be concerned about it? An asset is defined as something of value that is owned. Optimization is defined as a [...]
In a volatile market, ensuring that mining operations perform as efficiently as possible is crucial. Digital technology assists in uniting, analysing, and managing engineering data, processes, [...]
Smart use of technology is an integral part of success in business today. The rate of technological and systems change necessitates a concerted ‘invest now and benefit from future changes’ [...]